Impact the community in a meaningful way by making a donation anytime. Read examples of how to contribute to our mission here.
Find out How to Calculate Our Impact.
Learn how your life can easily become a legacy for humanity and the animals you care about by including Tails of Hope in your estate plan.
Use this Letter of Intent to start the process of satisfying all, or part, of your annual IRA Required Minimum Distribution by making a gift to Tails of Hope.
Buy stuff you want, support the charity you love (Tails of Hope, of course!). Find out about how simply shopping can contribute to our mission.
-OR- Buy pet supplies for your furkids from the Tails of Hope Online Store!
We are always in need of supplies-that you may already have at home, in order for our clinic to provide the best possible care for the many homeless and pets in need. See our Wish List.
You can hold in-person events like a yard sale or lemonade stand, or you can launch your own FREE online funding campaign and share it to your personal social networks and contacts.
Philanthropic companies financially match donations that employees make to non-profit organizations. It's an easy way to double your donation for the animals and the community!
Whether you're an experienced DVM or CVT or a compassionate community member ready to give back to animals and the community, there are always opportunities to volunteer.
Tails of Hope, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 public charity and all donations are fully tax deductible to the extent required by law.
Tails of Hope's federal tax ID number is: 81-1070254
Community Cats are the result of a domestic cat being abandoned or lost and left to fend for him/herself. Tails of Hope offers a discounted spay/neuter price for feral or stray cats that compassionate members of the community Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR). By sponsoring a Community Cat, you can relieve some of the financial burden of colony caretakers, shelters & rescues, and help control the pet overpopulation in our area. SAVE LIVES NOW
By donating to our Spay & Neuter Angel Program (SNAP) to help a low-income family, you can help alleviate the financial stress that comes with being a responsible pet guardian, help keep pets and their families together, and help keep pets from entering rescues/shelters. KEEP FAMILIES TOGETHER NOW
By making a tribute donation, you can donate money in honor of a pet or family member. Honor a loved one by establishing donations to Tails of Hope in lieu of flowers or other gifts and allow your loved one's legacy to carry on by helping animals in need. Simply choose this designation online, or write 'In Memory of' the person/pet name in the memo of your check. HONOR A PET OR LOVED ONE NOW
A General Fund donation helps us pay for Community Awareness & Outreach programs, Student Programs, and our day-to day expenses for our building & grounds, expert medical staff & equipment and administrative staff & equipment to continue our lifesaving programs.
Tails of Hope accepts donations in many forms-whether you choose to donate money, supply items, or your time as a VOLUNTEER. Any type of donation in any amount is greatly appreciated.
People who support the work of Tails of Hope say that they derive great satisfaction from their generosity. Many supporters are on a fixed income and cannot afford to give more than they already are giving. There is a way for you to make a lasting investment in Tails of Hope and leave a legacy for humanity and the animals you care about by including Tails of Hope in your estate plan.
By leaving a gift for Tails of Hope in your estate plan, you have the opportunity to ensure health and safety for generations of cats and dogs and prevent millions of homeless animals from being born. Because of you, together we will someday realize-even if not within your lifetime, the day when there are no more homeless cats.
For those of you interested in considering a bequest directed to Tails of Hope in your personal will or trust, we encourage you to consult with counsel and/or a financial planner expert in this area.
If you don't already have a will or trust, we are sharing this free tool from FreeWill that can remove the legal fees from writing a will or trust, while giving you the space to make plans for your family & pets.
If you would like more information to help you with this or have already made a bequest to Tails of Hope, please email Tails of Hope's Executive Director, Soraya Hejazi:
Easiest and Best Way to Making a Lasting Gift & Enduring Investment
For many clients and friends of Tails of Hope, a charitable bequest is the easiest and best way to make a lasting gift & enduring investment to address the root cause of pet overpopulation and homelessness. By means of your will, Retirement Plan, Insurance Policy, or other estate plan, you can name Tails of Hope as the beneficiary of a portion of your estate, or of particular assets in your estate.
There are many reasons to make a bequest. A bequest allows you to honor a loved one, while providing critical support to Tails of Hope. Giving by bequest costs nothing now, yet it may give you a great deal of satisfaction to know that your future gift will live on.
Furthermore, a bequest:
Residual Gift Language
A residual bequest comes to us after your estate expenses and specific bequests are paid:
I give and devise to Tails of Hope, Inc., located in Hermitage, PA, all (or state a percentage) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, to be used for its general support (or for the support of a specific fund or program).
Specific Gift Language
Naming Tails of Hope as a beneficiary of a specific amount from your estate is easy:
I give and devise to Tails of Hope, Inc., located in Hermitage, PA, the sum of $___________ to be used for its general support (or for the support of a specific fund or program).
Contingent Gift Language
Tails of Hope or its affiliates can be named as a contingent beneficiary in your will or personal trust if one or more of your specific bequests cannot be fulfilled:
If (insert name) is not living at the time of my demise, I give and devise to Tails of Hope, Inc., located in Hermitage, PA, the sum of $ _______ (or all or a percentage of the residue of my estate) to be used for its general support (or for the support of a specific fund or program).
Retirement Plan Beneficiary Language
You may name Tails of Hope as a beneficiary of your IRA or other qualified retirement benefits. Use our Letter of Intent to make the request simple. Donors should consult with their tax advisor regarding the tax benefits of such gifts.
Naming Tails of Hope as the beneficiary of a qualified retirement plan asset such as a 401(k), 403(b), IRA, Keogh or profit-sharing pension plan will accomplish a charitable goal while realizing significant tax savings. It can be costly to pass such assets on to heirs because of heavy tax consequences. By naming Tails of Hope as a beneficiary of a retirement plan, the donor maintains complete control over the asset while living, but at the donor’s death the plan passes to support Tails of Hope free of both estate and income taxes.
Making a charitable gift from your retirement plan is easy and should not cost you any attorney fees. Simply request a change of beneficiary form from your plan administrator. When you are done, please return the form to your plan administrator and notify Tails of Hope. We can also assist you with the proper language for your beneficiary designation to Tails of Hope.
You can satisfy all, or part, of your annual Required Minimum Distribution from your IRA by making a gift to Tails of Hope. Simply contact your administrator and use the form below to make your distribution to Tails of Hope. Your distribution can be used to fulfill your end-of-year Holiday Fund Drive gift!
Two easy ways to give back!
Chewy Option 1:
Help animals in need by shopping our
Chewy Wish List to donate much-needed supplies directly to us at Tails of Hope.
Chewy Option 2:
Whether you shop for your pet, Tails of Hope, or someone else, Chewy will donate $15 to Tails of Hope for every new customer who makes their first purchase from Chewy using this referral link.
A monthly box of goodies for your feline friends!
and you'll save 15% off your first box
plus, KitNipBox will make a $20 donation to Tails of Hope!
Operated entirely by volunteers this Thrift Shoppe donates to many charitable organizations, including Tails of Hope.
Learn More about All Good Things and their dedication to the Tails of Hope mission here.
Everything from products to help your pet after surgery- such as e-collars options, surgery shirts, and pill pockets - to fun and rewarding items, such as treats & toys!
-->SAVE 20% on your AutoShip order by texting AUTO20 to 69838 or by using code HELLO20 at checkout.
-->SAVE 10% off any order by using code ONLINE10.
*One time use per pet guardian. Terms & Conditions per Covetrus.
Proceeds support our lifesaving and life changing mission for pets and our community, so what are you waiting for?
Scan the QR Code or click this link to SHOP NOW!
If you have items to donate but no transportation, please call our clinic at 724-346-4673 (HOPE) to arrange for pickup.
If you are a veterinary clinic or medical supplier who would like to donate medical goods or equipment, please contact us for our exact needs. We especially appreciate donations of this sort.
We can't thank you enough for your donations to help animals in need! But we can give you a form to help you keep track of in-kind donations for your taxes. Please note that per the IRS, it is the donor's responsibility to determine the value of in-kind donations (that is, for example, anything on this list). You can find a blank in-kind donation form here.
Call us at 724-346-4673 (HOPE)
What are employee matching gift programs?
Employee matching gift programs are corporate giving programs in which the company matches donations made by employees to eligible non-profit organizations. It's an easy way to double your contribution for the animals and our community! Make an even greater impact by organizing company-wide donation events!!
How do I request a matching gift? Requesting a matching gift is normally quick process which must be initiated by the donor. You can do this by filling out and submitting a paper or electronic match form provided by your employer or by contacting your employer's Human Resources (HR) or philanthropic / community giving department to inquire about the request process.
Questions? Employers interested in implementing an Employer Match Program, please email Tails of Hope's Executive Director, Soraya Hejazi:
Other ways an employer can become a philanthropic partner: Companies can boost morale for their teams and have fun hosting their own fundraisers or donation drives for much-needed supplies from our Wish List. Businesses can also become a dedicated donor group with monthly gifts.
Copyright © 2020 Tails of Hope, Inc.- All Rights Reserved.
Tails of Hope, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 public charity and all donations are fully tax deductible to the extent required by law.
Tails of Hope's federal tax ID number is: 81-1070254
No event ticket or attendance required for these special raffles.